Although I’m sure my clients have fantastic penmanship—Spoiler Alert!—those testimonials over there (up↑ and to the left←) didn’t come to me that way…
When I was redesigning this site, I knew I needed to figure out a way to incorporate the (really way too) kind words my clients have shared about working with me and my work in a way that creatively and seamlessly flowed into the whole organic workspace theme that is my website. I first came up with the idea of having them look like personalized, hand-scrawled notes, but got a bit stuck finding the right handwriting to work. I tried several different fonts and none of them were quite right.
Anne Robin is a Los Angeles-based calligrapher whose work I stumbled across on Pinterest when searching for new ideas for hand-written fonts. And what’s better than a hand-written font? Actual handwriting, of course! I wrote to her to see if she’d be interested in the project (it’s a bit different than what she normally does!), chose my favorite styles from her style menu, and she worked her magic.
Thanks, Anne—I love them and they are a great addition to my site!
P.S. Check out Anne’s post about this project on her blog here!